The Main Errands of CRDP (Decree 2356 -Article 4)

In general, CRDP is concerned with educational affairs and in the following matters in particular:
    Carrying out various educational research and studies, and disseminating their results by appropriate means.
    Conducting educational statistics and publishing bulletins of them.
    Participating - unquestionably -   in the membership of committees working in the field of general planning.
    Developing draft educational plans for the various pre-university stages and monitoring the degree of their implementation after they are approved by the competent authorities.
    Reconsidering the assessed educational plans.
    Advising the Minister of Education and Higher Education on projects to establish, expand, modify or abolish an educational institution, in light of assessed educational plans or those which are still being under-prepared.
    Studying the curricula, making appropriate propositions, and following up their implementation in all schools.
    Approving the pattern of the Official Exams questions, coordinating how they are set, and attending the work of the examining committees.
    Deciding on textbooks, publications and other educational tools in terms of whether it is possible to adopt them in the field of education.
    Producing textbooks, publications and educational tools.
    Carrying out educational documentation work and organizing a central educational library.
    Proposing the technical and health conditions to be met in school buildings and equipment.
    Preparing the teaching staff for the pre-secondary education at the Teacher Training Centers.
    Training teachers in various stages of pre-university education, at the Teacher Training Centers. 
    Proposing the conditions to be met by candidates to work at all stages of education except for university education.