Revision: Stress Relief

Micheline Eid Sociology teacher Beirut Evangelical School. Ashrafieh

Students of the 3rd Secondary often do not feel confident that they have fully mastered the concepts they have covered throughout the year. It is vital, therefore to support them with a revision. A thorough review of basic concepts, an important analysis of various documents, in addition to a consolidation regarding essay writing skills will help students not only perform with a higher degree of accuracy in performance, but will give them the confidence to face a "stressful" official exam.
Stage One: Stages of implementation:This overall revision requires 4 stages distributed as follows:
The first stage targets the 1st part of the official exam-using concepts and techniques.






It is worthy to practice different types of questions such as:

1- Affirm the truth of the following statements:

  • The experimental science is a very efficient method in finding social facts.
  • The social contract enhances equality.
  • The 19th century is known by the century of empirical philosophy.

2- Show the relation between:

  • Values on one hand and anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists on the other hand.
  • Division of labor, interests, and friendship.

3- Give 3 different examples to show how values are spread.

4- Deduce the salient concept after observing the following drawing:

5- Put a general title to the following group of elements, and then classify them into pairs according to their significance as identified by Pierre Bourdieu: Administrative employees, craftsmen, peasants, agrarian, commerce workers, and engineers.

6- As a member in a social research group about the New 7 Wonders of the World, you were asked to prepare a questionnaire addressed to the Lebanese Youth. The questionnaire must include one question with 3 alternatives for each of the following topics: Ways of voting, importance of the Lebanese participation, sites nominated, interest in voting, and expectancy results.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, nowadays. The ruins of a Roman amphitheater surrounded by modern buildings and roads.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, nowadays.
The ruins of a Roman amphitheater surrounded by modern buildings and roads.

The 2nd stage targets the first set of the 2nd part of the official exam-analyzing documents.

Doc.1 Beirut "World Book Capital 2009"
Beirut is the 9th city designated as World Book Capital, following Madrid (2001), Alexandria (2002), New Delhi (2003), Antwerp (2004), Montreal (2005), Turin (2006), Bogota (2007), and Amsterdam (2008). Beirut was chosen in particular thanks to “its effort for cultural diversity, dialogue and tolerance as well as for the variety and dynamism of its programme”. The Director- General declared to be glad “to see the city of Beirut, facing immense challenges of peace and coexistence, duly recognized for its commitment in favor of a necessary dialogue, also giving its place to book”.

Each year, the UNESCO and the 3 international associations of professionals of the book sector (International Publishers Association- IPA, International Booksellers Federation-IBF, and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions-IFLA) select a WorldBook Capital City for a period of one year, from one World Book and Copyright Day (April 23rd ).
Doc.2 Max Weber: Culture is a network of meanings, symbols, and signs that man produces to give a goal and a meaning for himself, for his continuity, and for the world and universe around him. This attachment of man to the network of meaning that he has produced pushes him to give it the qualities  of highness and sacredness in most cases. Man’s attachment to his culture pushes him to reject other cultures, and become de-culturated. This is done on the basis that only his culture carries the meaning and the goal for the existence of the world*.
Source: An extract translated from the National textbook*.

Doc.3 The variation of the number of books read per year by the Lebanese with respect to age.


Number of books read per year

Less than 12

years old

12y-19y 20y-35y

Above 35

years old

0 to 5 books     Yes  
5 to 10 books   Yes    
More than 10 books Yes     Yes


  1. Extract 3 causes for designating Beirut as the “World Book Capital 2009”, and deduce the result of this designation.
  2. Extract 3 functions accomplished by Beirut World Book Capital.
  3. Deduce the concept reflected by Doc.3. Conclude 2 of the expected consequences in the Lebanese society.
  4. a- Extract the aspect of resistance to change mentioned in doc.2.

b-Show the social attitude towards this aspect and justify your answer.

  1. Conclude the relationship among the 3 documents.
  2. Name the social institutions mentioned in doc.1, then compare them by giving 2 similarities.
  3. The cultural interaction can open and/or close doors to new values. Using the documents and your acquired information, write a text in which you determine and explain the position of Beirut before and after its designation as “World Book Capital 2009”. Show 2 positive sides of this choice and 2 due challenges. Then, give 2 suitable suggestions for conciliation between the Lebanese culture and other cultures.

The 3rd stage targets the 2nd set of the 2nd part of the official exam; studying a social subject.
Designating Beirut as “The World Book Capital 2009” was an important event. Using doc.1 and your
acquired information, comment on this subject by tackling the following points:

  • The concept of culture and its manifestations.
  • The reality of Beirut.
  • The reflection of this reality on international associations.
  • The convenient procedures that consolidate the Lebanese people, and enable them to participate in this challenge.

The 4th stage is the feedback where the teacher evaluates each and every student.

To conclude, this revision is an attempt to reach with the students a high standard of learning based on analysis.


التفاوت والسياسات الاجتماعية، التعليم الثانوي، السنة الثالثة، فرع الاجتماع والاقتصاد، الصادر عن المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء، ص 226*

Revision: Stress Relief

Micheline Eid Sociology teacher Beirut Evangelical School. Ashrafieh

Students of the 3rd Secondary often do not feel confident that they have fully mastered the concepts they have covered throughout the year. It is vital, therefore to support them with a revision. A thorough review of basic concepts, an important analysis of various documents, in addition to a consolidation regarding essay writing skills will help students not only perform with a higher degree of accuracy in performance, but will give them the confidence to face a "stressful" official exam.
Stage One: Stages of implementation:This overall revision requires 4 stages distributed as follows:
The first stage targets the 1st part of the official exam-using concepts and techniques.






It is worthy to practice different types of questions such as:

1- Affirm the truth of the following statements:

  • The experimental science is a very efficient method in finding social facts.
  • The social contract enhances equality.
  • The 19th century is known by the century of empirical philosophy.

2- Show the relation between:

  • Values on one hand and anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists on the other hand.
  • Division of labor, interests, and friendship.

3- Give 3 different examples to show how values are spread.

4- Deduce the salient concept after observing the following drawing:

5- Put a general title to the following group of elements, and then classify them into pairs according to their significance as identified by Pierre Bourdieu: Administrative employees, craftsmen, peasants, agrarian, commerce workers, and engineers.

6- As a member in a social research group about the New 7 Wonders of the World, you were asked to prepare a questionnaire addressed to the Lebanese Youth. The questionnaire must include one question with 3 alternatives for each of the following topics: Ways of voting, importance of the Lebanese participation, sites nominated, interest in voting, and expectancy results.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, nowadays. The ruins of a Roman amphitheater surrounded by modern buildings and roads.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, nowadays.
The ruins of a Roman amphitheater surrounded by modern buildings and roads.

The 2nd stage targets the first set of the 2nd part of the official exam-analyzing documents.

Doc.1 Beirut "World Book Capital 2009"
Beirut is the 9th city designated as World Book Capital, following Madrid (2001), Alexandria (2002), New Delhi (2003), Antwerp (2004), Montreal (2005), Turin (2006), Bogota (2007), and Amsterdam (2008). Beirut was chosen in particular thanks to “its effort for cultural diversity, dialogue and tolerance as well as for the variety and dynamism of its programme”. The Director- General declared to be glad “to see the city of Beirut, facing immense challenges of peace and coexistence, duly recognized for its commitment in favor of a necessary dialogue, also giving its place to book”.

Each year, the UNESCO and the 3 international associations of professionals of the book sector (International Publishers Association- IPA, International Booksellers Federation-IBF, and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions-IFLA) select a WorldBook Capital City for a period of one year, from one World Book and Copyright Day (April 23rd ).
Doc.2 Max Weber: Culture is a network of meanings, symbols, and signs that man produces to give a goal and a meaning for himself, for his continuity, and for the world and universe around him. This attachment of man to the network of meaning that he has produced pushes him to give it the qualities  of highness and sacredness in most cases. Man’s attachment to his culture pushes him to reject other cultures, and become de-culturated. This is done on the basis that only his culture carries the meaning and the goal for the existence of the world*.
Source: An extract translated from the National textbook*.

Doc.3 The variation of the number of books read per year by the Lebanese with respect to age.


Number of books read per year

Less than 12

years old

12y-19y 20y-35y

Above 35

years old

0 to 5 books     Yes  
5 to 10 books   Yes    
More than 10 books Yes     Yes


  1. Extract 3 causes for designating Beirut as the “World Book Capital 2009”, and deduce the result of this designation.
  2. Extract 3 functions accomplished by Beirut World Book Capital.
  3. Deduce the concept reflected by Doc.3. Conclude 2 of the expected consequences in the Lebanese society.
  4. a- Extract the aspect of resistance to change mentioned in doc.2.

b-Show the social attitude towards this aspect and justify your answer.

  1. Conclude the relationship among the 3 documents.
  2. Name the social institutions mentioned in doc.1, then compare them by giving 2 similarities.
  3. The cultural interaction can open and/or close doors to new values. Using the documents and your acquired information, write a text in which you determine and explain the position of Beirut before and after its designation as “World Book Capital 2009”. Show 2 positive sides of this choice and 2 due challenges. Then, give 2 suitable suggestions for conciliation between the Lebanese culture and other cultures.

The 3rd stage targets the 2nd set of the 2nd part of the official exam; studying a social subject.
Designating Beirut as “The World Book Capital 2009” was an important event. Using doc.1 and your
acquired information, comment on this subject by tackling the following points:

  • The concept of culture and its manifestations.
  • The reality of Beirut.
  • The reflection of this reality on international associations.
  • The convenient procedures that consolidate the Lebanese people, and enable them to participate in this challenge.

The 4th stage is the feedback where the teacher evaluates each and every student.

To conclude, this revision is an attempt to reach with the students a high standard of learning based on analysis.


التفاوت والسياسات الاجتماعية، التعليم الثانوي، السنة الثالثة، فرع الاجتماع والاقتصاد، الصادر عن المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء، ص 226*

Revision: Stress Relief

Micheline Eid Sociology teacher Beirut Evangelical School. Ashrafieh

Students of the 3rd Secondary often do not feel confident that they have fully mastered the concepts they have covered throughout the year. It is vital, therefore to support them with a revision. A thorough review of basic concepts, an important analysis of various documents, in addition to a consolidation regarding essay writing skills will help students not only perform with a higher degree of accuracy in performance, but will give them the confidence to face a "stressful" official exam.
Stage One: Stages of implementation:This overall revision requires 4 stages distributed as follows:
The first stage targets the 1st part of the official exam-using concepts and techniques.






It is worthy to practice different types of questions such as:

1- Affirm the truth of the following statements:

  • The experimental science is a very efficient method in finding social facts.
  • The social contract enhances equality.
  • The 19th century is known by the century of empirical philosophy.

2- Show the relation between:

  • Values on one hand and anthropologists, sociologists and psychologists on the other hand.
  • Division of labor, interests, and friendship.

3- Give 3 different examples to show how values are spread.

4- Deduce the salient concept after observing the following drawing:

5- Put a general title to the following group of elements, and then classify them into pairs according to their significance as identified by Pierre Bourdieu: Administrative employees, craftsmen, peasants, agrarian, commerce workers, and engineers.

6- As a member in a social research group about the New 7 Wonders of the World, you were asked to prepare a questionnaire addressed to the Lebanese Youth. The questionnaire must include one question with 3 alternatives for each of the following topics: Ways of voting, importance of the Lebanese participation, sites nominated, interest in voting, and expectancy results.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, nowadays. The ruins of a Roman amphitheater surrounded by modern buildings and roads.

Amman, the capital of Jordan, nowadays.
The ruins of a Roman amphitheater surrounded by modern buildings and roads.

The 2nd stage targets the first set of the 2nd part of the official exam-analyzing documents.

Doc.1 Beirut "World Book Capital 2009"
Beirut is the 9th city designated as World Book Capital, following Madrid (2001), Alexandria (2002), New Delhi (2003), Antwerp (2004), Montreal (2005), Turin (2006), Bogota (2007), and Amsterdam (2008). Beirut was chosen in particular thanks to “its effort for cultural diversity, dialogue and tolerance as well as for the variety and dynamism of its programme”. The Director- General declared to be glad “to see the city of Beirut, facing immense challenges of peace and coexistence, duly recognized for its commitment in favor of a necessary dialogue, also giving its place to book”.

Each year, the UNESCO and the 3 international associations of professionals of the book sector (International Publishers Association- IPA, International Booksellers Federation-IBF, and the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions-IFLA) select a WorldBook Capital City for a period of one year, from one World Book and Copyright Day (April 23rd ).
Doc.2 Max Weber: Culture is a network of meanings, symbols, and signs that man produces to give a goal and a meaning for himself, for his continuity, and for the world and universe around him. This attachment of man to the network of meaning that he has produced pushes him to give it the qualities  of highness and sacredness in most cases. Man’s attachment to his culture pushes him to reject other cultures, and become de-culturated. This is done on the basis that only his culture carries the meaning and the goal for the existence of the world*.
Source: An extract translated from the National textbook*.

Doc.3 The variation of the number of books read per year by the Lebanese with respect to age.


Number of books read per year

Less than 12

years old

12y-19y 20y-35y

Above 35

years old

0 to 5 books     Yes  
5 to 10 books   Yes    
More than 10 books Yes     Yes


  1. Extract 3 causes for designating Beirut as the “World Book Capital 2009”, and deduce the result of this designation.
  2. Extract 3 functions accomplished by Beirut World Book Capital.
  3. Deduce the concept reflected by Doc.3. Conclude 2 of the expected consequences in the Lebanese society.
  4. a- Extract the aspect of resistance to change mentioned in doc.2.

b-Show the social attitude towards this aspect and justify your answer.

  1. Conclude the relationship among the 3 documents.
  2. Name the social institutions mentioned in doc.1, then compare them by giving 2 similarities.
  3. The cultural interaction can open and/or close doors to new values. Using the documents and your acquired information, write a text in which you determine and explain the position of Beirut before and after its designation as “World Book Capital 2009”. Show 2 positive sides of this choice and 2 due challenges. Then, give 2 suitable suggestions for conciliation between the Lebanese culture and other cultures.

The 3rd stage targets the 2nd set of the 2nd part of the official exam; studying a social subject.
Designating Beirut as “The World Book Capital 2009” was an important event. Using doc.1 and your
acquired information, comment on this subject by tackling the following points:

  • The concept of culture and its manifestations.
  • The reality of Beirut.
  • The reflection of this reality on international associations.
  • The convenient procedures that consolidate the Lebanese people, and enable them to participate in this challenge.

The 4th stage is the feedback where the teacher evaluates each and every student.

To conclude, this revision is an attempt to reach with the students a high standard of learning based on analysis.


التفاوت والسياسات الاجتماعية، التعليم الثانوي، السنة الثالثة، فرع الاجتماع والاقتصاد، الصادر عن المركز التربوي للبحوث والإنماء، ص 226*