Table of Contents
Principles and Objectives of KG Stage
General Objectives of KG Curriculum
Linguistic Expression
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement
Scientific Development
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement
Social Growth
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement
Psychomotor Growth
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement
Artistic Education
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement
Details of Linguistic Expression Curriculum
Linguistic Expression – KG1
Competency 1
Competency 2
Linguistic Expression – KG2
Competency 1
Competency 2
Linguistic Expression – KG3
Competency 1
Competency 2
Scope and Sequence
Details of Scientific Development Curriculum
Scientific Development – PS1
Competency 1
Competency 2
Scientific Development – PS2
Competency 1
Competency 2
Scientific Development – PS3
Competency 1
Competency 2
Scope and Sequence
Details of Social Growth Curriculum
Social Growth – KG1
Social Growth – KG2
Social Growth – KG3
Scope and Sequence
Details of Psychomotor Development Curriculum
Psychomotor development – KG1
Psychomotor development – KG2
Psychomotor development – KG3
Scope and Sequence
Details of Arts Education Curriculum
Artistic Education – KG1
Artistic Education – KG2
Artistic Education – KG3
Scope and Sequence
Educational Principles of Kindergarten (KG)
The KG stage is a crucial phase in a child’s growth. It lays the foundation of the subsequent educational stages and spans over three years (ages 3 – 6 years). It has its own curricula based on educational principles and modern research based on the human and educational levels. The KG stage has its own relevant programs, methodologies, as well as evaluation methods.
The KG stage bases on the following basic principles:
- The child’s comprehensive development: physical, emotional, social and intellectual.
- The child is the focus of the educational process.
- The senses are the main entrance to the learning process at the KG stage, through the direct sensory interaction of the child with the elements of the surrounding environment.
- Reliance on the close interrelationship of the various fields and the intertwining of language through all activities.
- Starting from the child’s environment with its physical and cultural components.
- Equal opportunities for all children.
- Keeping abreast of scientific and technological developments.
- Utilization of active ways and methods as well as technology (including information and telecommunication technologies).
- Play, whether free or guided, is considered the most effective principle in the growth process.
- Evaluation is regarded as a continuous process gauging the extent to which competencies are attained.
- Competencies and learning objectives are the same throughout the three years.The degree of complexity of specific objectives differs from one year to another.
General Objectives of KG Stage
The KG stage endeavors to:
- Develop the child into a social person who acquires constructive culture and habits that reinforce his/her spirit of openness, cooperation, integration, interaction and active participation with others.
- Strengthen the learning process in order to develop the child’s sensory, physical, emotional, social, and intellectual skills, so that the child can express him/herself, the needs and perceptible discoveries, and think and imagine so as to expand his/her experience, discover the world and build up their information base.
- Assist the child to adapt to the school atmosphere, fit into the new environment and be well prepared for the next stage, taking into consideration his/ her childhood and needs.
Based on the general principles and objectives given above, the Terminal Integrated Objective Statement for each field has been defined giving rise to the competencies to be acquired. Thereafter, the learning objectives, special objectives, content and some activities for each competency have been defined. It must be emphasized here that no field or goal is favored over others, for all must combine to help the child achieve integrated growth.
Linguistic Expression
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of preschool cycle, the child will be able to express oneself orally and / or in writing in a meaningful situation, using oral, imaginative, symbolic or written resources.
Evaluation Criteria
Minimum Criteria
Criteria of Excellence
Competency 1: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use sounds and gestures to express oneself in simple situations of daily life, by using concrete words and simple statements.
- Pertinence
- Appropriate language
- Coherence
Competency 2: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to express oneself in writing, using pictures and written symbols.
Competency 1: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to express oneself orally, about his/her needs, a life event, and a sound story or document by using relevant gestures and correct terms.
Competency 2: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to express oneself in writing, by realizing figurative or written activities.
Competency 1: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to communicate orally with his/her close community using simple sentences in order to express needs, opinions and feelings, and to narrate an event.
Competency 2: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to read, write and compose simple sentences.
Scientific Development
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to space, numbers, shapes, living and non-living things in simple problem situations.
Evaluation Criteria
Minimum Criteria
Criteria of Excellence
Competency 1: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to the shapes of objects and their localizations and numbers from 1 to 5, in a significant situation.
- Pertinence
- Correct use of tools of the domain
- Coherence
Competency 2: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to living and non-living things, and to identify oneself and his/her environment.
Competency 1: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to the shapes of objects, their orientations and their localizations and numbers from 1 to 10, in a significant situation.
Competency 2: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to living and non-living things, and to apply some rules of personal hygiene and of protecting his/her environment.
Competency 1: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to the localization in time and in space, and the treatment of numbers from 1 to 10, in a significant situation.
Competency 2: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to living and non-living things, and to propose rules and measures to protect his/her personal hygiene and his/her environment.
Social development
Terminal Integrated Objective: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able, through interaction, to reveal his/her autonomy in his/her social environment and homeland.
Evaluation Criteria
Minimum Criteria
Criteria of Excellence
Competency: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in order to identify oneself and to get through a normalization in his/her social environment.
- Pertinence
- Correct use of tools of the domain
- Coherence
Competency: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in order to identify oneself and to get through an integration in his/her social environment.
Competency: By the end of KG3, the child will be able, through his/her interaction, to demonstrate his/her autonomy in the social environment.
Psychomotor Growth
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to perform correct sensory – motive acts, alone, or in a group.
Evaluation Criteria
Minimum Criteria
Criteria of Excellence
Competency: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to produce, with gestures, simple rhythmic activities and/or to trace simple graphic lines, individually, or in groups.
- Pertinence
- Correct use of tools of the domain
- Coherence
Competency: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to produce bodily, with or without instruments, simple rhythmic activities and/or graphic traces, individually, or in groups.
Competency: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to perform correct psychomotor actions, individually or in groups.
Artistic Education
Figurative arts, music, theater
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to express his/her feelings, impressions and observations in an artistic way, individually or in groups, using various techniques and educational tools.
Evaluation Criteria
Minimum Criteria
Criteria of Excellence
Competency: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to produce artistic patterns by applying some simple techniques.
- Pertinence
- Correct use of tools of the domain
- Coherence
Competency: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to give his/her point of view about realized artistic activities.
Competency: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to express his/her feelings, impressions and observations in an artistic way during individual or collective activities involving techniques and various educational tools.
Linguistic Expression
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of preschool cycle, the child will be able to express oneself orally and / or in writing in a meaningful situation, using oral, imaginative, symbolic or written resources.
Competency 1: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use sounds and gestures to express oneself in simple situations of daily life, by using concrete words and simple statements.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
- Express orally, using current expressions, specific needs, own actions, desires and feelings in daily life situations.
- Follow instructions given by others.
- Express needs.
- Express own actions.
- Apply rules of communication while talking.
- Use words, sentences and expressions current in own daily life.
- Tools of Expression and Communication: Describing, acting, playing.
- Rules of communication: Listening, replying, asking questions, asking permission to talk, waiting and using expressions of apology.
- Terms appropriate to own environment: Family members, professions, plants, animals, natural phenomena, etc.
- Terms and expressions: feelings, needs, imagination, desires and scenes.
- Role-playing: Organizing celebrations.
- Various activities: acting, linguistic / motor expression, songs and chants.
- Conversation.
Oral Expression:
- Playing family or house.
- Telling daily events lived by a child.
- Give own opinion by telling a story, or playing a scene.
- Limericks and songs: memorize, recite, repeat, etc.
- Group Work: specify roles and respect rules of communication.
- Keep a margin of freedom for the child.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.2- Express oneself, orally or by using gestures, a daily life event heard or read.
- Pronounce words and expressions correctly.
- Participate in rituals and some activities.
- Answer questions correctly.
- Ask questions correctly.
- Formulate simple sentences.
- Sing limericks, songs and poems.
- Propose an ending to a story heard.
- Repeat a story or a daily life event heard.
- Recite a story.
Methods of Oral Expression
- Conversation, acting, stories, limericks, poems, songs.
- Simple noun sentences.
- Simple verbal sentences.
- Where, when, how, what.
Demonstratives: this, that
Time concepts: Today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, noon, evening.
Place concepts: under, over, front, behind, below, above, etc.
- Listening, retelling, commenting, and predicting an ending.
- Observing a picture, or a living creature: describing and expressing.
- Role-playing.
- Outings and trips
Work groups: extra school activities.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
- Use intonation and gestures to repeat word or simple statement.
- Associate visual and auditory data (to correspond a picture of animal to its sound)
- Work the voice (whisper, shout, whisper…)
- Identify a nursery rhyme or a sound
- Say a word taking into consideration the nursery rhyme or the sound.
- Repeat a word, a sentence, a poem or a limerick, emphasizing vocal parts, letter enunciation, intonation, vocal protraction and gestures.
- Auditory Differences: High / low sounds, quick / slow
- The rhythm in relation to different sounds corresponding to phonemes, words and simple sentences.
- Memorize limericks and songs
- Recite simple limericks and songs.
- Language or sound games.
- Imitating certain sounds and tunes.
1.4- Relate words to their pictures.
- Identify his/her surname among others.
- Identify some words that are orally current and some displays in the classroom associated to images.
- Match a word to a picture.
Pre-reading Know-how:
- Rhythms of various sounds of individual letters, syllables, words and simple written sentences.
- Audio and visual discrimination: shapes and sounds of alphabetical letters.
- Read class posters.
- Read names of classmates.
- Read certain words written in class.
- Phonetic Box.
- Use phonetic cards.
Display in class posters of numbers, letters, words, simple sentences, songs and nursery rhymes.
Competency 2: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to express oneself in writing, using pictures and written symbols.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.1- Decode the global meaning of rhymes and stories constituted of illustrations up to 4.
- Identify some written types, which designate names and commercial marks.
- Identify rhymes and stories basing (or based) on their images.
- Look over a book in the right direction.
Parts of a Book:
- Cover, title, drawings and photos, pages.
The story and its components (elements): text, characters, events, place and time.
- Songs.
- Poems.
- Limericks.
- Posters.
- Cards.
- Recipes.
- Story telling
- Identifying a book through drawings and symbols.
- Reading stories using pictures and symbols.
- Reading cards and posters.
- Using letters and numeric strips.
- Using pictures or posters carrying different written forms of a same letter.
- Look over the pages of a book.
Display in class using posters of numbers, letters, words, simple sentences, songs and nursery rhymes.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.2- Draw basic graphic traces.
- Identify the graphic of his/her surname.
- Draw his/he surname.
- Draw lines and forms following a model.
- Reproduce basic graphic traces.
- Reproduce models as the shape of drawing.
- Draw his/her own surname and those of others.
Direction of writing.
Space Lines:
- Horizontal, vertical, sliding, curved, broken.
- Making scribble (on unlimited, and limited space)
- Printing with the finger
- Making dots and graphic lines with different tools (felt, pencil, chalk).
Free Drawing:
- Connecting dots.
- Guided drawing.
- Drawing lines and shapes.
- Coloring.
- Painting.
- Tracing own name and some words.
- Copying his/her surname.
- Tracing his/her own surname.
- Drawing graphic lines.
Pay attention to the child’s sitting posture while writing.
linguistic Expression
Competency 1: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to express oneself orally, about his/her needs, a life event, and a sound story or document by using relevant gestures and correct terms.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.1- Express orally and in different manners, specific needs, desires, and own actions and those of others, in daily life situations.
- Follow instructions given by others.
- Express needs in different manners.
- Express own actions and those of others.
- Apply rules of communication while talking.
- Use words, expressions and sentences in relation to needs, desires and own actions.
- Use current words, sentences and expressions, already acquired, in own daily life.
- Tools of Expression and Communication: Describing, acting, playing.
- Rules of communication: Listening, replying, asking questions, asking permission, and using expressions of apology.
- Terms appropriate to own environment:
Family members, professions, plants, animals, transportation, natural phenomena.
- Terms and expressions: Feelings, needs, scenes, and desires.
Role-playing: Organizing celebrations.
- Various activities: acting, linguistic / motor expression, songs and chants.
- Conversation.
Oral Expression:
- Play family or house.
- Tell daily life events.
- Give own opinion by telling a story, or acting a scene.
Limericks and songs:
- Memorize, recite, and act.
- Group Work: specify roles and respect rules of communication.
- Keep a margin of freedom for the child.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.2- Use his/her linguistic acquisitions to participate in a conversation or to retell, in his/her way, a story or a daily life event.
- Pronounces words and expressions correctly
- Participates in a conversation.
- Answers questions.
- Asks question.
- Recites limericks, songs and poems.
- Tells, in his own way, a story he / she has heard.
- Proposes an ending of a story he / she has heard.
- Repeats a story or an event experienced individually or with a group.
Methods of Oral Expression
- Conversation, acting, stories, limericks, poems, songs.
- Simple noun sentences.
- Simple verbal sentences.
Interrogation words:
Demonstratives: this, that
Time concepts: Today, yesterday, tomorrow, morning, noon, evening.
Place concepts: Under, over, front, below, above.
- Listening, retelling, commenting, and predicting an ending.
- Observing a picture, or a daily life event: describe and express feelings.
- Role-playing.
- Outings and trips
Give the child a range of liberty.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.3- Use sounds and gestures to talk about a story or a poem.
- Associate visual and auditory data (
- Act out using his/her voice (scream, whisper, shout, whisper…)
- Identify a rhyme of limerick.
- Say a word, which expresses a rhyme or a sound.
- Repeat word, sentence, poem or limerick, emphasizing sounds and gestures.
- Complete a limerick or a poem taking into consideration sounds and gestures.
- Auditory Differences: High / low sounds, quick / slow
- The rhythm in relation with different sounds corresponding to isolated letters, phonemes, words and simple sentences.
Terms and expressions:
Feeling, needs, desires, scenes, etc.
- Memorize limericks and songs
- Recite limericks and songs with harmonious or discordant sounds
- Language or sound games.
- Imitating certain sounds and tunes.
- Corresponding a picture of animal to its sound.
1.4- Relate sounds to their letters.
- Identify his/her surname among others.
- Distinguish letters from sounds.
- Identify some current words and displays in the classroom associated to their illustrations.
- Relate words to their images.
- Rhythms of various sounds of isolated letters, syllables, and words written in class.
- Audio and visual discrimination: shapes of alphabetical letters, and their sound equivalents.
- Identification of some word used in oral communication.
- Read class posters.
- Read names of classmates.
- Read things written in class.
- Phonetic Box.
- Use phonetic cards.
Give the child a range of liberty.
Distribution of roles applying rules of communication.
Competency 2: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to express oneself by realizing figurative or written activities.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.1- Associate a word or a simple sentence to pictures or pictograms up to 5.
- Identify some written types that designate:
- Names
- Symbols of some places,
- Commercial trademarks and symbols.
- Identify variety types and kinds of writings: texts, poem, limerick, and stories, in relation to written symbols or pictures.
- Arrange story illustrations in chronologic order.
- Look over a book.
- Dictate a sentence to an adult.
Parts of an album :
- Cover, title, drawings and photos, pages.
The story and some of its components (elements) such that: text, characters, events, place and time.
- Songs.
- Poems.
- Limericks.
- Posters.
- Cards.
- Recipes.
- Story telling
- Identifying a book through drawings and symbols.
- Reading stories using pictures and symbols.
- Reading cards and posters.
- Reading grids of letters and digits.
- Reading words with different written forms of a same letter.
Display the class using posters of numbers, letters, words, simple sentences, songs and nursery rhymes.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.2- Reproduce some basic graphic traces taking into consideration the direction of writing and reading.
- Identify the correct direction of writing.
- Identify some surnames.
- Draw lines and forms following models.
- Identify words from their visual forms and silhouettes that look alike.
- Reproduce basic graphic traces.
- Draw some lines following the instructions.
Organizing Pages:
- Correct direction of writing according to language (Arabic or foreign).
- Used space.
Used Space Lines:
- Horizontal, vertical, sliding, curved, broken.
- Forms: Point, circle, square
Start writing:
- Holding the pencil, direction of writing,
- Graphic traces.
- Scribbles (on a free and limited space).
- Prints with finger.
- Dotting with felt pen (thick, less thick, thin).
Free Drawing:
- Connecting dots.
- Guided drawing.
- Drawing lines and shapes.
- Coloring.
- Painting.
- Drawing own name and some words.
- Copying some shapes and words.
Pay attention to the child’s sitting posture while writing.
2.3- Write some letters and words up to 3.
- Write his/her surname.
- Reproduce models following the shapes of drawings.
- Copy some letters and words.
- Write letters from the alphabet.
- Reproduce models following drawings or texts.
- Surname and name
- Drawing or text models
- The alphabet.
- Draw his/her own surname.
- Write letters
- Copy words.
Display the alphabetic letters.
Linguistic Expression
Competency 1: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to communicate orally with his/her close community using simple sentences in order to express needs, opinions and feelings, and to narrate an event.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
- Uses the proper elements of the oral language to demonstrate one understanding of a document and express needs.
- Answers questions related to story in words or full sentences (title-characters)
- Demonstrates an understanding of oral language by responding to one-step directions
- Names what he sees in his/her close environment
- Describes his and / or others’ needs in a word or a simple statement
- Recites songs, poems , and rhymes
- Recognizes beginning and ending sounds
- Identifies syllables in words.
- Lexicon and linguistic expressions relevant to the child’s environment; e.g. family members, school, jobs, animals and plants
- Lexicon and phrases used to express needs; e.g. I want to… I need…
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. I, can…
- Thematic songs, rhymes and poems
- Phonology:
- Some consonant sounds and a short vowel sound; e.g. /m/, /a/…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. ma, at…
- CVC words; e.g. mat, Sam…
Oral expression:
- Role-playing:
- Reciting the nursery rhymes and songs insisting on intonation, proper pronunciation, and gestures
- Telling the events of the weekend..
- Listening to music CD
- Playing phonological awareness games
- Commenting on pictures , stories or videos
- Reading the names of children
- Reading stories
-A document can be visual and/or auditory
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
- Communicates orally in simple statements with his/her close community to demonstrate his/her understanding of a document and expresses needs and feelings.
- Answers questions related to story in words or full sentences (title-characters- setting).
- Recites songs rhymes and poems
- Expresses his and / or others’ feelings in a simple statement
- Construct a simple sentence using the acquired words
- Uses proper intonation for different types of statements (affirmative - interrogative)
- Recognizes beginning, middle and ending sounds
- Identifies syllables in words.
- Lexicon and linguistic expressions relevant to the selected theme
- Thematic songs, rhymes and poems
- Lexicon and phrases used to express feelings; e.g. I am happy, she is sad…
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. am, like…
- Basic syntactic/grammatical rules; e.g. verbs with the third person singular, standard word order SV…
- Phonology:
- Some consonant sounds and a short vowel sound; e.g. /p/, /i/…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. in , da…
- CVC words; e.g. pin, hat…
- Role-playing:
- Reciting the nursery rhymes and song insisting on intonation, proper pronunciation, and gestures.
- Telling the events of the weekend.
- Listening to music CD
- Playing phonological awareness games
- Commenting on pictures , stories or videos
- Reading the names of children
- Reading stories
- retelling stories
- Changing intonation
Group work:
Extracurricular activities
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
- Communicates orally in simple statements with his/her close community to demonstrate his/her understanding of a document and express needs, feelings and opinions.
- Answers questions related to story in full sentences (title-characters- setting-plot).
- Gives his opinion in a simple statement
- Retells a story respecting proper chronological order
- Constructs a simple sentence using the acquired words
- Uses proper intonation for different types of statements (affirmative – interrogative-exclamatory)
- Recognizes beginning, middle and ending sound.
- Recites songs, poems, and rhymes
- Lexicon and linguistic expressions relevant to the selected theme
- Basic communication rules; e.g. listening, turn taking, asking and responding to questions…
- Lexicon and phrases used to express opinion; e.g. I like, it’s +opinion adjectives…
- Chronological order of events
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. to, do…
- Basic syntactic/grammatical rules; e.g. is/are, standard word order SV…
- Thematic songs, rhymes and poems
- Phonology:
- Some consonant sounds and a short vowel sound; e.g. /f/, /o/…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. fa , or…
- CVC words; e.g. dog, rip…
- Role-playing:
- Reciting the nursery rhymes and songs insisting on intonation, proper pronunciation, and gestures.
- Telling the events of the weekend.
- Listening to music CD
- Playing phonological awareness games
- Commenting on pictures , stories or videos
- Reading the names of children
- Reading stories
- Retelling stories
- Playing intonation games
Group work: Distribution of roles and rules of communication.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.4 - Communicate orally with his/her close community using simple sentences in order to express needs, opinions and feelings, and to narrate an event.
- Retells a story respecting the story elements
- Produces an ending to complete a story/ and or an alternative ending to the story
- Tells about a lived event respecting the elements of narration
- Recognizes beginning, middle and ending sounds
- Recites songs, poems, and rhymes
- Constructs a simple sentence using the acquired words.
- Lexicon and linguistic expressions relevant to the selected theme
- Story elements and narrative scheme
- Chronological order of events
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. my, with…
- Basic syntactic/grammatical rules; e.g. adjective use
- Basic communication rules; e.g. listening, turn-taking, asking and responding to questions… +appropriateness rules (politeness, register…)
- Thematic songs, rhymes and poems
- Phonology:
- Some consonant sounds and a short vowel sound; e.g. /k/, /e/…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. et , ox…
- CVC words; e.g. jam, mix…
- Role-playing:
- Reciting the nursery rhymes and songs insisting on intonation, proper pronunciation, and gestures.
- Listening to music CD
- Playing phonological awareness games
- Commenting on pictures , stories or videos
Competency 2: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to read, write and compose simple sentences.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.1- Develops simple reading and writing skills.
- Identifies upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
- Identifies the letter that stands for a given sound
- Writes some letters following proper handwriting techniques
- Blends syllables with a short vowel sound
- Reads syllables
- Writes syllables and words
- Reads words globally
- Copies words
- Recognizes his name.
- Some consonants and a short vowel; e.g. m, a… in both upper and lower cases
- Handwriting techniques and rules; e.g. writing direction, line limitations…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. ma, at…
- CVC words; e.g. mat, Sam…
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. I, can…
- Identifying some written types and genres.
- Reading posters.
- Reading the alphabet.
- Arranging the alphabet
- Matching upper and lower case
- Writing the alphabet
- Memory games with letters
- Memory games with HFW
- Joining syllables to make words
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.2- Reads and writes letters and words
- Identifies upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
- Identifies the letter that stands for a given sound
- Writes some letters following proper handwriting techniques
- Blends syllables with short vowel sounds
- Reads syllables
- Writes syllables and words
- Copies sentences
- Reads words globally
- Writes first name
- Chooses proper punctuation for different types of sentences.
- Some consonants and a short vowel; e.g. p, i… in both upper and lower cases
- Handwriting techniques and rules; e.g. writing direction, line limitations…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. in , da…
- CVC words; e.g. pin, hat…
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. am, like…
- Punctuation marks for different types of sentences; e.g. (?) for interrogative and (.)for affirmative.
- Discovering the book from symbols and images.
- Reading stories from pictures and symbols.
- Reading cards and posters.
- Using the table of numbers and letters.
- Setting labels.
- Associating word / picture.
- Reading the alphabet.
- Arranging the alphabet
- Matching upper and lower case
- Writing the alphabet
- Memory games with letters
- Memory games with HFW
- Copying words
- Unscrambling letters to make words
- Joining syllables to make words
Enrich the class with sheets containing numbers, letters, words, simple sentences, songs and rhymes.
Phases of competency
Suggested Activities
2.3- Reads and writes simple sentences
- Identifies upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
- Identifies the letter that stands for a given sound
- Writes letters following proper handwriting techniques
- Blends syllables with short vowel sounds
- Writes dictated words (CVC and HFW)
- Reads simple sentences
- Copies simple sentences
- Chooses proper punctuation for different types of sentences
- Arranges words to make meaningful sentences following the appropriate word order
- Arranges sentences to show the proper chronological order of a text
- Writes first and last name.
- Some consonants and a short vowel; e.g. f, o… in both upper and lower cases
- Handwriting techniques and rules; e.g. writing direction, line limitations…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. fa , or…
- CVC words; e.g. dog, rip…
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. to, do…
- Punctuation marks for different types of sentences; e.g. (?) for interrogative and (.) for affirmative and (!) for exclamatory
- Basic syntactic rules; e.g. Standard Word Order: SV…
- Sentence definition: starts with a capital letter and ends with a point
- Chronological order of events
- Reading sentences
- Copying sentences
- Writing sentences using proper punctuation marks
- Associating word / picture.
- Reading the alphabet.
- Arranging the alphabet
- Matching upper and lower case
- Writing the alphabet
- Memory games with HFW
- Unscrambling words to make sentences
Phases of competency
Suggested Activities
2.4- Read, write and compose simple sentences.
- Identifies upper and lower case letters of the alphabet
- Identifies the letter that stands for a given sound
- Writes letters following proper handwriting techniques
- Blends syllables with short vowel sounds
- Reads a simple text of 4 sentences
- Copies simple sentences
- Writes dictated words and sentences (short vowel and HFW and simple sentences
- Chooses proper punctuation for different types of sentences
- Composes simple sentences.
- Some consonants and a short vowel; e.g. k, e…in both upper and lower cases
- Handwriting techniques and rules; e.g. writing direction, line limitations…
- Consonant and vowel combinations and syllables; e.g. et , ox…
- CVC words; e.g. jam, mix…
- High Frequency Words (HFW); e.g. my, with…
- Punctuation marks for different types of sentences; e.g. (?) for interrogative and (.) for affirmative and (!) for exclamatory
- -Basic syntactic rules; e.g. Standard Word Order: SV, adjective use
- +Sentence definition: starts with a capital letter and ends with a point.
- Reading the alphabet.
- Arranging the alphabet
- Matching upper and lower case
- Writing the alphabet
- Memory games with HFW
- Reading simple stories
- Composing sentences respecting the proper rules of writing
Display in the classroom many sheets containing numbers, letters, words, simple sentences, songs and rhymes.
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of the pre-school, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to space, numbers, shapes, living and non-living things, in simple problem situations.
Competency 1: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to the shapes of objects and their localizations and the numbers from 1 to 5, in a significant situation.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.1- Identify similarities between things.
- Collect similar things: Two or three elements.
- Classify objects into groups according to one specific quality.
- Sorting objects.
- Classifying objects according to one specific criterion: Shape, color, size.
- Making field trip.
- Collecting objects and classify them based on specific characteristics (shape, color, type, use).
- Comparing objects based on specific characteristics.
- Making models representing things observed by children.
- Recovering a missing object from a given set.
- Naming criteria of classification.
- Crossing the intruder.
Start with tangible things available in the child’s environment and classify them.
- Manipulate numbers from 1 to 5.
- Relate two small sets of objects or elements (greater than, less than, equal to).
- Numbers from 1 to 5.
- Morning discussion: The calendar, the day, the month, the year.
- Coloring holidays and school days with different colors using the calendar
- Memorizing numerical limerick.
- Coding major holidays.
- Coloring children’s birthdays.
- Coloring the days of the week.
- Comparing the number of children present or absent, in class.
- Associating a number to a set.
Numerical limericks.
1.3- Use tools for measuring lengths.
- Compare objects according to specific criteria.
- Manipulate some non-conventional measuring units: pencil, skewer…
- Length: long, short, longer, shorter, the medium.
- Available tools: the hand, wire.
- Measuring and comparing some measures (by reference to objects, games and educational tools).
- Using available tools: Wire, hand.
Measuring things is done using non-conventional units (span, thread).
1.4- Construct models by using solid bodies having different shapes, according to 2 of 4 positions.
- Mark the place of objects and their direction: inside / outside, above / under.
- Move in a certain place, or move something following specific instructions
- Identify some geometric shapes and solids.
- Construct some models using geometric shapes.
Locations and Directions:
- In /out, above/ below.
- Front, back / behind.
- High / low, Right / left.
- Near to, far from/…
- Open and closed lines
- Geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle…
- Solids: sphere, cube.
- Following track according to specific directions.
- Solving a maze
- Inquiring about a place.
- Following a path as directed.
- Following a path without directions.
- Coding and decoding paths.
- Completing blocks’ construction according to shape, color, size, thickness.
- Mosaic paving activity.
Identifying some simple geometric shapes and solids.
1.5- Relate familiar activities to their time of realization using one term relative to time.
- Use some time terms.
- Locate oneself in function of time.
- Locate in the time of an event of daily life.
- Days of the week, months of the year, and the seasons.
- Day and night.
- Morning, noon, evening.
- Today, yesterday, tomorrow.
- Hourglass.
- Role playing different moments of the day
- Relating personal experiences every day.
- Arranging pictures of events chronologically.
- Differentiating between before and after, today, yesterday, and tomorrow, morning, noon and evening.
- Using weather charts.
Identify the schedule based on different time measuring tools: The hourglass, the watch.
Competency 2: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to living and non-living things, and to identify oneself and his/her environment.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.1- Distinguish between living things and non-living things.
- Identify some specific characteristics of living things.
- Identify some specific characteristics of non-living things.
- Spot the steps of animal growth.
- Spot the steps of plants growth.
- Characteristics of living things: Humans, animals, plants:
- Basic needs, the family, similarities and differences.
- Characteristics of non-living things: color, shape, texture, flexibility, stiffness, resistance, odor, sound, volume??, amount, weight, place.
- Steps of growth of animals.
- Steps of growth of plants.
- Preparing a meal of various ingredients to stress on characteristics and specificities
- Growing some plants.
- Observing the growth of some animals.
- Similarities and differences within the same category: humans, animals, plants.
- Point to the danger using some materials.
2.2- Identify changes of some elements of the environment: States of matter, time and weather, day and night.
- Identify nature cycle.
- Identify the characteristics of the surrounding nature (water, air and ground).
- Identify the water cycle.
- Identify weather changes (during seasons)
- Differentiate day from night.
- Locate in in time and in place.
- Changes states : fusion, solidification, vaporisation.
- Water cycle.
- Weather: Daily changes, seasonal climatic changes.
- Steps of scientific experiment.
- Do experiment showing the change of state.
- Usage of the thermometer to measure human temperature or the weather barometer.
- Transforming some fruits and some substances under the effect of heat or coldness.
2.3- Apply rules for protecting his /her body and the environment.
- Identify rules for protecting the environment.
- Preserve trees and flowers.
- Maintain body cleanliness.
- Rules for protecting the environment.
- Rules for protection of public health..
- Recycling of papers.
- Clean-up campaign in every class.
- Sorting wastes: papers, plastics, cans.
- Recycling activities.
2.4- Make some electrical and technological appliances operate.
- Conduct experiments to operate toys and simple construction games.
- Identify functions of home appliances and tools in daily life.
- Use the computer.
- Use some available devices.
- Toys and simple construction games.
- Home appliances.
- Audio-visual devices.
- Computers.
- Magnet.
- Electric energy
- Batteries.
- Identifying the external parts of radio, computer and television, and the way to operate each.
- Fabricate some simple toys.
- Operating some home appliances work.
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of the pre-school, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to space, numbers, shapes, living things and objects in simple problem situation.
Competency 1: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to the shapes of objects, their orientations and their localizations and the numbers from 1 to 10, in a significant situation.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.1- Compare two objects according to two specific criteria.
- Collect similar things.
- Classify objects into groups according to specific qualities.
- Compare the elements of two equivalent sets.
- Criteria of classification: shape, color, size.
- The properties of an object or a collection.
- Field trip activity
- Collect objects and classify them based on specific characteristics (shape, color, type, use).
- Compare objects based on specific characteristics.
- Make models representing things observed by children.
- Recover a missing object from a given set.
- Cross the intruder.
- Make sets in presence of a disruptive criterion.
- Specify the criterion of classification.
Start with tangible things available in child’s direct environment and classify them.
- Manipulate numbers from 1 to 10.
- Count 1 to 10.
- Relate numbers and amounts from 1 to 5.
- Write number symbols from 1 to 5.
- Find a relation between the numbers of elements of two small sets of objects (greater, less, equal to)
- Use ordinal numbers from 1 to 5.
- Available tools: Graduated ruler hand, thread.
- Numbers: 1 to 10.
- Ordinal numbers first to fifth.
- Morning discussion: the calendar, the day, the month, the year.
- Coding major holidays.
- Denoting children’s birthdays.
- Comparing the number of children present or absent, in class.
- Associating a number to a set.
- Coloring holidays and school days with different colors using the calendar.
- Memorize numerical limericks
1.3- Use tools for measuring lengths and masses.
- Compare objects according to specific criteria.
- Measure lengths with non-conventional measuring units using pencil, thread…
- Compare two masses by using the balance, the hands ...
- Length: long, short, longer than, shorter than, the longest the shortest, the medium.
- Weights: Heavy, light, heavier than, lighter than, the lightest, the heaviest.
- Available tools: hand, thread.
- Comparing some measures (by reference to objects, games and educational tools).
- Playing grocery store.
- Buying with own money in class.
- Visiting store: buying and selling activities.
- Measuring things is done using non-conventional units (span, thread).
1.4- Construct models using solid objects having different shapes, according to 4 of 6 positions.
- Mark the place of the objects and their orientation: inside / outside, above / under, in front / behind.
- Move in a certain place, or move something following specific instructions
- Recognize some geometric shapes and solids.
- Construct some models using geometric shapes.
Locations and Directions:
- In/out, above/below.
- Higher/ lower
- Front, back / behind.
- High/low, right/left.
- Near to, far from/…
Geometric shapes: circle, square, rectangle, triangle…
- Open and closed lines
- Solid objects: sphere, cube, cone.
- Following track according to specific directions.
- Solving a maze
- Inquiring about a place.
- Following a path as directed.
- Following a path without directions.
- Completing blocks’ construction according to the characteristics of shape, color, volume, thickness.
- Setting a construction.
- Completing a symmetry with respect to an axis.
- Mosaic paving activity.
Identify geometrical shapes and solids
1.5- Relate familiar activities to their time of realization using two terms relative to time.
- Relate time concept to daily life activities.
- Use some time terms.
- Arrange daily events chronologically.
- Days of the week, months of the year, and the seasons.
- Day and night.
- Morning, noon, evening.
- Today, yesterday, tomorrow.
- Clock, hourglass.
- Role play different moments of the day
- Relate personal experiences every day.
- Arrange pictures of events chronologically.
- Differentiate the concepts of before/after, today/yesterday/tomorrow, morning/noon/evening.
- Read a calendar.
- Use week charts
- Use weather charts
Identify the schedule based on different time measuring tools: the hourglass, the watch.
Competency 2: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in relation to living and non-living things, and to apply some rules of personal hygiene and of protecting his/her environment.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.1- Compare characteristics of living and non-living things.
- Identify the essential needs of living things.
- Identify the characteristics of non-living things: Color, flexibility, and rigidity, and odor, sound.
- Essential needs of human, animals and plants.
- Following instructions, experiments:
- Growth of plants,
- Plant seeds,
- Comparison between living and non-living things.
- Realizing small project using the convenient materials.
2.2- Identify some changes in the environment.
- Identify nature’s cycle.
- Discover specific characteristics of the environment.
- Discover some sources of energy used in the functioning of familiar devices.
- Identify changes in the weather (the seasons).
- Differentiate day from night.
- Locate in time.
- The changes in the nature: cooling, mixture, fusion, heating.
- Sources of energy: thermal energy, electric energy.
- The weather: The forecast, the seasons.
- Preparing a meal of various ingredients to show on characteristics and specificities
- Realizing some experiments showing the changes in the state of some objects (water, Ice, vapor).
- Decoration of a tree in the classroom.
- Planting seeds and saplings
- Observing the growth of a small animal.
Similarities and differences within the same category: humans, animals, plants.
Inform the pupils about the danger when using some tools or machines.
2.3- Apply rules for protecting his /her body and the environment.
- Save trees and flowers.
- Apply rules of hygiene.
- Re-use some objects in new usages.
- Apply rules of protection of environment.
- Rules of protection of environment.
- Rules of protection of his body (electrocution, knives, sharp objects).
- Rules of hygiene.
- Clean-up campaign in every class.
- Sorting wastes: papers, plastics, cans.
- Recycling activities.
2.4- Make technologic devices and toys operate, following precise instructions.
- Conduct experiments to operate toys and simple construction games.
- Recognize functions of home appliances and tools in daily life.
- Identify some sources of energy.
- Discover the world of computer and its uses.
- Use some available daily life devices.
- Toys and simple construction games.
- Home appliances.
- Audio-visual devices.
- Computers, magnets.
- Electric enrgy.
- Devices typical to workshops.
- Learning external parts of radio, computer and television, and the way to operate each.
- Assembling some simple toys.
Aware pupils about the benefits and the dangers of some tools and electric apparatus.
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of the pre-school, the child will be able to use knowledge, expertise and things in relation to space, numbers, shapes, living and non-living things in simple situation or problem situation.
Competency 1: By the end of the KG3, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to space, numbers (from 1 to 10) and shapes, in significant situation.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1.1- Identify similarities and differences between 2 sets of 5 objects or concrete elements
- Collect similar objects.
- Sort objects into sets according to the form.
- Sort objects into sets according to the genre and usage.
- Sort objects into sets according to the color.
- Compare elements of two equivalent sets.
- Compare sets relative to the number of elements up to 5.
- Count from one to 5.
- Read the numbers from one to 5.
- Sort the numbers from 1 to 5.
- Establish a relationship between the number and amount.
- Write the numbers from one to 5.
- Use ordinal numbers.
- Identify some simple plane geometric shapes.
- Grouping objects according to ranking criteria: Shape, color, size.
- Properties of an object or collection.
- Grouping objects according to specific criteria.
- Geometric shapes: Circle, square, rectangle, and triangle.
- Compare two sets according to specific criteria: greater than, less than, longer than, shorter than, equality.
- Solid bodies.
- Collecting objects and classify them according to specific characteristics (shape, color, and use).
- Comparing objects according to specific characteristics.
- Making models representing objects already seen by the children.
- Finding a missing object in a given set.
- Defining the criteria.
- Crossing the odd thing out. .
- Rediscovering the classification criterion.
- Activities of construction.
Identify geometric solids using concrete, objects found in the environment of the child.
1.2- Identify similarities and differences between 2 sets of 7 objects or concrete elements.
- Sort objects into 7-elements sets according to the form, color and number.
- Identify location of objects: in front, behind, into, outside, above, below, upper, lower, right, and left.
- Count from one to 10.
- Read the numbers from one to 7.
- Sort the numbers from 1 to 7.
- Establish a relationship between the number and amount from 1 to 7.
- Write the numbers from one to 7.
- Use ordinal numbers from the first to the third.
- Numbers: from 1 to 10.
- Ordinal numbers: first, second, third, and the last one..
- Location and directions:
- in front, behind
- into, outside
- above, below
- upper, lower
- right, and left.
- The morning round: calendar, day, month, year.
- Role-play various activities at different times of the day.
- Reading the time.
- Reading calendar.
- Relate weekly activities to the days of the week.
- The morning round: calendar, day, month, year.
- Coloring, with different colors, holidays schedule, school days and days of important holidays.
- Say memorized numeral rhymes.
- Marking the anniversary date of each child.
- Counting absent and present students in class.
- Saving phone numbers of parents.
- Share a collection.
- Assigning a number to a collection.
Digital Rhymes.
1.3- Move in space by identifying his/her position with respect to the positions of objects having various shapes.
- Identify the location of objects and their orientation: Over / under, Inside / Outside, Front, back, Up, Down.
- Compare 2 sets according to a criterion of his/her choice.
- Decode a plan.
- Recognize some geometric shapes and solids.
- Build models from certain geometric shapes and usual solids.
- Identify the numbers 8 and 9.
- Arrange numbers from 1 to 9.
- Write numbers from 1 to 9.
- Count from 1 to 20.
- Use techniques of identifying symmetrical forms.
- Compare two patterns according to an axis of symmetry.
- Use some vocabulary of time
- Locate in time (months and seasons).
- Arrange events according to the time of happening.
- The days of the week, months and seasons.
- In the morning, at noon, in the evening.
- Today, yesterday, tomorrow.
- Close line, open line.
- The geometric objects: sphere, cube, pyramid, cone.
- The morning round: calendar, day, month, year.
- Coloring, with different colors, holidays schedule, school days and days of important holidays.
- Say memorized numeral rhymes.
- Marking the anniversary date of each child.
- Counting absent and present students in class.
- Saving phone numbers of parents.
- Share a collection.
- Assigning a number to a collection.
- Moving in a maze, a grid.
- connecting points.
- Inquiring about a place (location).
- Following signs on a path.
- Following a path without arrows.
- Encoding and decoding paths.
- Completing building blocks according to the characteristics of shape, color, volume, and thickness.
- Making forms using construction block (molds, building ...).
- Completing the symmetry with respect to an axis.
- Activity paving mosaic.
The purpose of the addition and subtraction is limited to use in daily practices.
Recognize and identify geometric shapes and solids.
1.4- Mobilize, in an integrated manner, resources that deal with the location in time and in space, the manipulation of numbers from 1 to 10 in meaningful situations.
- Compare two sets of 10 elements.
- Write the number 10.
- Count from 1 to 31.
- Arrange in ascendant or descendant way the results of measurement of lengths.
- Complete a set or eliminate from a set in order to obtain 10 elements.
- Solve a simple problem by using the addition or the subtraction.
- Arrange up to 7 events chronologically.
- Numbers from 1 to 31.
- Expressions of comparison (longer, younger, equal to).
- Arrange rulers (10 having different lengths)
- Use of money to buy or to sale.
- Read of the number 10.
- Write of the number 10
- Solve simple problems
Identify the schedule based on different time measuring tools: the hourglass, the watch.
Competency 2: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in relation to living and non-living things, and to adopt rules and measures of personal hygiene and to protect his/her environment.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
2.1-Distinguish living things from non-living things.
- Identify the specific characteristics of living things.
- Identify the specific characteristics of non-living things.
- Identify the stages of growth of living things.
- Distinguish between living things and the surrounding objects.
- Characteristics of living things: Humans, animals, and plants:
- Basic needs, the family, similarities and differences.
- Characteristics of things: Color, shape, texture, flexibility, stiffness, odor, sound, volume, amount, weight, place.
- Prepare a meal of various ingredients to show on characteristics and specificities
- Visit a farm to observe the growth of an animal.
- Having a pet in the classroom.
The similarities and differences within the same category: Humans, animals, plants.
2.2- Identify changes in the states of matter, in weather, and in day and night
- Recognize nature cycles (water cycle, seasons, day and night).
- Identify characteristics of surrounding nature.
- Name some sources of energy used in operating devices that are familiar to him/ her.
- Recognize weather changes (during seasons)
- Differentiate day from night.
- Locate in time.
- Describe the results of some experiments.
- Water cycle.
- Changes: Cooling, mixing, cutting, melting, heating.
- Energy sources: Electricity, and heat.
- Weather: Daily changes, seasonal climatic changes.
- Universe: Earth, sky, stars, moon, sun, water land, soil, rock.
- Make experiences that show the changes of nature, using objects (water, snow, steam…).
- Recycle some papers models, decoration of the Christmas tree.
- Follow the different steps of a simple scientific experiments..
Inform children about the dangers resulting from the use of certain tools or equipment.
2.3- Adopt behaviors to protect oneself and that of the environment.
- Recognize the stages of growth of certain plants.
- Apply the rules of hygiene.
- Re-use certain objects to make various uses.
- Describe the result of scientific experiments.
- Apply the rules of environmental protection.
- Respect the rules of the environment and the healthy habits.
- Reuse objects.
- The stages of plant growth.
- Conduct a cleanliness campaign supported by each class.
- Separate waste: paper, plastic, metal product.
- Recycling activity.
- Decorating a tree in the school garden or in the classroom.
- Growing bulb plants.
2.4- Use correctly technological device in a given situation.
- Conduct experiments to operate toys and simple construction games.
- Recognize functions of home appliances and tools in daily life.
- Identify some sources of energy used to put some appliances into functioning.
- Discover the world of computer and its uses.
- Use some available devices.
- Use some objects to produce and differentiate sounds (ruler, bell).
- Toys and simple construction games..
- Home appliances.
- Audio-visual devices.
- Computers.
- Mobile and fix phones
- Magnets.
- Electric energy.
- Learning external parts of radio, computer and television, and the way to operate each.
- Assembling some simple toys.
Social development
Integrated Terminal Objective: By the end of the pre-school, the child will interact to reveal their autonomy in his/her social environment and homeland.
Competency: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be, in order to identify oneself and to get through a normalization in his/her social environment.
Phases of Competency:
Suggested Activities
1- Express oneself.
- Identify oneself.
- Identify principal characteristics of his person.
- Express interests and preferences.
- Name, age, sex, family members, home address.
- School: Name, classroom, name of teacher.
- Thoughts, experiences and opinions.
- Playing roles of family members: who am I?
- Introducing games: this is me.
- Morning discussion: Every child is given the chance to express own thoughts.
- Knowing the home address.
Emphasize role of parents in the process of social growth of children.
2- Show self-confidence.
- Rely on oneself in different situations.
- Perform tasks to the best of child’s ability.
- Basis needs: Wearing clothes, eating, going to the bathroom.
- Keeping personal possessions and other things.
- Class duties.
- Taking part in activities.
- Role in team activities.
- Manual skills: Washing hands, teeth, body.
- Educational games: Putting things neatly in their places.
- Caring for drawing tools in the classroom.
- Performing tasks (list of duties).
- Class project: group project (cleaning campaign in school playground).
Take care of his/her personal materials and devices used in classroom.
3- Practice certain rules of living within a community.
- Define own position in the small family.
- Discover own role and that of others members.
- Accept opinions of others.
- Abide by rules of ethics.
- Family: members, roles, size family, needs.
- Home: rooms, furniture, appliances
- School: sections, personnel.
- Neighborhood: neighbors, market, garden.
- Village.
- Professions.
- Means of transportation.
- Similarities and differences: color, people with special needs.
- Social courtesy expressions: greeting, thanking and apologizing.
- Practicing social courtesies: greeting, thanking, expressing through certain bodily movements, encouraging, helping, taking part.
- Cutting and pasting: cutting pictures from magazines, putting them together to form a family.
4- Recognize his/her country.
- Identify own homeland.
- Recognize national holidays and other official holidays.
- Identify some national customs, and the most frequently traditions.
- Name, flag, anthem, national holidays.
- Geography: mountains, plains, coast, sea.
- Major cities and touristic sites.
- Positions and names of some officials.
- Customs, traditions, local cuisine: food and drinks, clothing, folklore.
- Chanting parts of National Anthem.
- Preparing and tasting traditional meals in class.
- Doing field trips to tourist sites.
Mention other countries’ traditions and customs.
Social development
Integrated Terminal Objective: By the end of the pre-school, the child will interact to reveal their autonomy in his/her social environment and homeland.
Competency: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to use knowledge, knowing-how-to-do and knowing-how-to-be in order to identify oneself and to get through an integration in his/her social environment.
Phases of Competency:
Suggested Activities
1- Talk about oneself and his/her family.
- Express his/her personal and family identity
- Identify the members of his/her family.
- Express interests and preferences for his/her family.
- Name, age, sex, family members, home address, telephone Number.
- School: Name, classroom, name of teacher.
- Thoughts, experiences and opinions.
- Playing roles of family members: who am I?
- Introducing games: this is me.
- I lives at ….
- Numbering games: Collection of telephone number cards.
- Morning discussion: Every child is given the chance to express own thoughts.
Emphasize role of parents in the process of social growth of children.
Emphasize the importance of the normalization.
2- Assume the responsibility in performing tasks.
- Rely on oneself in different situations.
- Assume responsibility.
- Take initiative.
- Complete tasks to the best of child’s ability.
- Express own feelings.
- Basis needs: wearing clothes, eating, going to the bathroom.
- Keeping personal possessions and other things.
- Class duties.
- Taking part in activities.
- Roles in team activities
- Manual skills: Washing hands, teeth, body.
- Educational games: Putting things neatly in their places.
- Caring for drawing tools.
- Performing tasks (list of duties).
- Class project: group project (cleaning campaign in school playground).
3- Practice certain rules, which govern social relations.
- Define own position in the small and the big family.
- Discover own role and roles of other family members and their mutual obligations.
- Accept opinions of others.
- Abide by public ethics.
- Practice some basic social courtesies.
- Use the general expressions of politeness.
- Family: members, roles, sizes, needs.
- Home: rooms, furniture, appliances…
- School: sections, personnel.
- Neighborhood: neighbors, market, garden.
- Village.
- Professions.
- Means of transportation.
- Similarities and differences: Color, people with special needs.
- Social courtesy expressions: greeting, thanking and apologizing.
- Practicing social courtesies: greeting, thanking, expressing through certain bodily movements, encouraging, helping, taking part.
- Cutting and pasting: cutting pictures from magazines, putting them together to form a family.
4- Discover his/her patrimony.
- Identify the concept of homeland.
- Recognize national holidays and other official holidays.
- Identify some national customs, and traditions.
- Name, flag, anthem, national holidays.
- Geography: Mountains, plains, coast, sea.
- Major cities.
- Major touristic sites.
- Positions and names of some officials.
- Customs, traditions, local cuisine: food and drinks, clothing, folklore.
- Chant section of National Anthem (vocal and gesticulation).
- Prepare and taste traditional meal in class.
- Doing field trip to tourist site.
Mention other countries’ traditions and customs.
Social development
Integrated Terminal Objective: By the end of the pre-school, the child will interact to reveal their autonomy in his/her social environment and homeland.
Competency: By the end of KG3, the child will be able, through interaction to demonstrate autonomy in a social environment.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
- Talk about oneself inside his/her social environment.
- Express his/her personal and family identity.
- Perform tasks in accordance with capabilities.
- Determine position in small and large families.
- Recognize role of the other as well as their obligations.
- Express his/her ideas, experiences and opinions.
- Express his/her feelings towards the country.
- Student’s name, age, sex, family members, address, phone number.
- The school: its name, class, name of the teacher.
- The family members, roles, numbers, and needs.
- The house parts, furniture, different devices.
- The school: Different sections, staff.
- The neighborhood, market, public garden, village.
- Jobs, means of transportation.
- Homeland: The name, flag, national anthem, national holidays.
- Role Playing (the family members) who am I?
- The presentation game: it is me.
- The game of numbers: Collect telephone numbers.
- Educational games: cleaning up and storing own things.
- Take care of drawing materials.
- Singing a part of the national anthem.
- Preparing and tasting a traditional meal in class.
- Carefully handle personal belongings and equipment used in the classroom.
2- Show self-confidence towards others.
- Count on oneself.
- Setting goals through their activities.
- Express personal feelings.
- Accept differences between themselves and others.
- Collaborate with others when performing a task.
- Basic needs: Dressing, eating, going to the toilet.
- Similarities and differences: Color - look - people with special needs.
- Manual knowing-how-to-do Skills: Wash hands and body, brush the teeth,
- Morning Circle time: Allow the students to express their own ideas.
- Clean-up activities.
- Organization of a social day.
3- Show positive attitudes in community life.
- Assume responsibility.
- Take the initiative to protect environment.
- Apply rules of living with others.
- Accept the views of others.
- Express ideas, opinions and experiences.
- Use the general expressions of politeness.
- Role in class and group work.
- Forms of address: welcome - thank – apologize…
- Rights and duties of young citizen
- Rules of protecting environment.
- Perform tasks: Responsibility Chart.
- Group work: cleanliness campaign in the schoolyard.
- Practice the rules of etiquette: greet, thank, express themselves through gestures, encourage, assist, and share the chores.
4- Reveal his/her autonomy without his/her social environment.
- Practice some basic social rules.
- Setting goals through their activities.
- Recognize the habits, traditions and heritage of his/her country and other countries.
- The country's geography: mountains, plains, hills, sea
- Major cities.
- The main tourist sites.
- The positions and the names of some leaders of the country.
- Habits and traditions: different kinds of food and drinks, costumes, folklore.
Visiting a famous touristic site.
Psychomotor Growth
Integrated Terminal Objective: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to practice sensory – motive acts, individually, or in a group.
Competency: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to produce, with gestures, simple rhythmic activities and/or to trace simple graphic lines, individually or in groups.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1 - Perform coordinated dynamic motor actions.
- Execute dynamic motor actions.
- Reinforce the occulo-manual coordination.
- Walking, running, jumping, turning, dancing…
- Using one's hand, fingers and wrist.
- Coordinating between the movements of the body and those of the senses.
- Through activities of dynamic coordination, reinforcing the two sides: right and left.
- Jumping on one foot.
2 – Identify his/her senses and the body parts.
- Designate on oneself and on others different parts of the body.
- Name the five senses.
- Work the segmental dissociation.
- The 15 parts of the body: Head, trunk, the members…
- The organs of the senses:
- Sight: the eyes (color, shapes…).
- Hearing, the ear (the sounds…).
- Touching / the hand : soft and hard
- Tasting, tongue sweet, salt
- Smelling, nose: odors.
- Playing some games to learn the 15 parts of the body.
- Playing games to organize the movements of the upper and lower body parts
- Discovering the 5 senses through activities.
3 – Locate in space.
- Determine one's position in relation to space.
- Move according to spatial notions.
- Front, back, in, out, near, far, left, right, above, below, up, down.
- Lift, place, arrange, ascend, and descend.
- Locating various sites in relation to a specific site.
- Playing outdoor games (climb, up and down…).
- Doing educational games: Moving objects on simple plan (maze).
- Playing some games: to move according to the spatial notions.
- Specifying the place of an object in relation to one's body.
4- Perform simple sound rhythms by his body or an instrument.
- Discriminate the variants of intensities, pitch, and nuance,
- Reproduce the simple rhythmic formulas corporally or using instruments.
- Strong, mean, weak,
- Walk and dance on a rhythmic structure.
- Learn the notions: fast, slow.
- Axis of time.
- Imitating the resonant rhythms of different musical instruments.
- Following a specific rhythm.
- Following the rhythmic evolution.
5- Produce, alone or in groups, simple graphic lines traced with the body.
- Fortify the superior clip and the opposition of the thumb and index
- Make simple graphic tracings with one's body.
- Fine gestures games.
- Vertical and horizontal lines, zigzag, spiral, buckle.
- Making a wave, a bridge, boucle, zigzag, and spiral….
Psychomotor Growth
Integrated Terminal Objective: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to practice sensory – motive acts, individually, or in a group.
Competency: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to produce bodily, with or without instruments, simple rhythmic activities and/or graphic traces, individually, or in groups.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1 - Perform coordinated static and dynamic motor actions.
- Execute dynamic motor actions.
- Execute static motor actions.
- Reinforce the occulo-manual coordination.
- Walking, running, jumping, turning, dancing…
- Using one's hand, fingers and wrist.
- Coordinating between the movements of the body and those of the senses.
- Through activities of dynamic coordination, reinforcing the two sides: right and left.
- Jumping on one foot.
2 – Identify the different parts of his/her body and the functions of the 5 senses.
- Designate on oneself and on others different parts of the body.
- Recognize the organs of the senses: name and function.
- Work the segmental dissociation
- Organize the body in space.
- The 15 parts of the body: head, trunk, the members.
- Organs of the senses:
- Sight: the eyes (color, shape…).
- Hearing: the ear (the sounds…).
- Use of the terms: left, right.
- Playing some games to learn the 15 parts of the body.
- Playing games to organize the movements of the upper and lower body parts
- Discovering the 5 senses through activities.
3 – Use his/her visuo-spatial memory in significant situation.
- Determine one's position in relation to space.
- Move according to spatial notions.
- Reinforce the visuo-spatial memory.
- Move following a path with spatial coding.
- Front, back, in, out, near, far, left, right, above, below, up, down.
- Lift, place, arrange, ascend, descend.
- Locating various sites in relation to a specific site.
- Playing outdoor games (climb, up and down…).
- Doing educational game: Moving objects on simple plan (maze).
- Moving according to the spatial notions.
- Specifying the place of an object in relation to one's body.
4- Perform complex sound rhythms by his body or an instrument.
- Discriminate the variants of intensities, pitch, and nuance,
- Reproduce the simple rhythmic formulas corporally or using instruments.
- Strong, mean, weak,
- Walk and dance on a rhythmic structure.
- Learn the notions: fast, slow.
- Axis of time.
- Imitating the resonant rhythms of different musical instruments.
- Following a specific rhythm.
- Following the rhythmic evolution.
5- Produce, alone or in groups, complex graphic lines traced with the body.
- Fortify the superior clip and the opposition of the thumb and index.
- Make graphic tracings with one's body.
- Describe the motor act of each tracing.
- Fine gestures games.
- Vertical and horizontal lines, zigzag, spiral, buckle.
- Make a wave, a bridge, boucle, zigzag, and spiral.
Psychomotor Growth
Integrated Terminal Objective: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to practice sensory – motive acts, individually, or in a group.
Competency: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to perform correct psychomotor actions, individually, or in groups.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1 - Perform the static dynamic and occulo-motor coordination.
- Make dynamic motor actions.
- Make equilibrated motor actions.
- Practice static motor actions.
- Practice occulo-motor actions.
- Reinforce the occulo-manual coordination.
- Reinforce the lateral dominance.
- Fortify the superior clip and the opposition of the thumb and index.
- Walking, running, jumping, turning, dancing…
- Using one's hand, fingers and wrist.
- Coordinating between the movements of the body and those of the senses.
- Fine gestures games.
- Lines: vertical, horizontal, zigzag, spiral, buckle.
- Through activities of dynamic coordination, reinforcing the two sides: right and left.
- Jumping on one foot.
Make a wave, a bridge, loop, zigzag, and spiral….
2 - Recognize one's bodily diagram.
- Designate different parts of own body and those of others.
- Recognize the organs of the senses: name and function.
- Work the segmental dissociation
- Organize the body in space.
- Perform graphic lines traced with his body.
- The 15 parts of the body: Head, trunk, members…
- Organs of the senses:
- Sight: the eyes (color, shapes…).
- Hearing: the ear (the sounds…).
- Use of the terms: left, right.
- Playing some games to learn the 15 parts of the body.
- Discovering the 5 senses through activities.
3 – Locate in space.
- Determine one's position in relation to space.
- Move according to spatial notions.
- Describe the motor act of each graphic lines.
- Move following a path with or without spatial coding.
- Identify right and left on oneself.
- Perform graphic lines traced with his body in a certain place.
- Front, back, in, out, near, far, left, right, above, below, up, down.
- Lift, place, arrange, ascend, and descend.
- Axis of time.
- Locating various sites in relation to a specific site.
- Playing outdoor games (climb, up and down…).
- Doing educational game: Moving objects on simple plan (maze).
- Moving according to the spatial notions.
- Specifying the place of an object in relation to one's body.
- Following defined rhythm.
4- Perform correct psychomotor actions alone or in a group.
- Reinforce the visuo-spatial memory.
- Discriminate the variants of intensities, pitch, and nuance,
- Reproduce the simple rhythmic formulas corporally or using instruments.
- Associate the intensities to the bodily movements.
- Make some structures with instruments.
- Notions of some concepts: Strong, mean, weak, fast, and slow.
- Walk and dance on a rhythmic structure.
- Axis of time.
- Imitating of the resonant rhythms of different musical instruments.
- Following a specific rhythm.
- Following the rhythmic evolution.
Artistic Education
Figurative arts, music, theater
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of pre-school, the child will be able to express his/her feelings, impressions and observations in an artistic way, individually or in groups, using various techniques and educational tools.
Competency: By the end of KG1, the child will be able to produce artistic patterns by applying some simple technics.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1- Take part, individually or in a group, in simple scenic and rhythmic games.
- Perform some manual artistic crafts.
- Participate, within the group, to scenic games and/or to the realization of tools and simple construction games.
- Perform roles by selecting simple rhythms.
- Tearing, cutting, pasting, boring, carving, printing, dough, clay.
- Building simple devices from a variety of available raw natural materials and remains.
- Acting games: music, songs, limericks, dancing…
- Discovering tools.
- Applying techniques.
- Producing free artwork.
- Producing group artwork.
- Learning and chanting songs and limericks.
- Harmony between body movements and rhythms.
Types of walks: Plain, imitated, controlled military, old person walk,
- Rhythm of walk: fast, slow, race,
Acting Games:
- Supply all materials needed for these activities.
- Stimulate Originality in child and help him/her to make use of environment wastes.
2- Give his/her point of view about artwork, done by others, individually or in groups.
- Identify artwork done by others.
- Comment, as observer, a manual work, a dance, a musical activity or a scene game.
- Pictures, illustrations, films….
- Imitating persons.
- Puppet show.
- Children Theater.
- Songs and limericks.
- Rhythmic musical playing.
- Visit an art or a craft exhibition and comment on a particular work.
- Listen to a song and give one’s impression.
- Compose a musical band.
- Imitate persons.
- Walk following instructions
- Simple choreography
- Types of dance: African, Lebanese, Chinese and Indian Visit Children Theater.
Figurative arts, music, theater
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of the pre-school, the child will be able to express his/her feelings, impressions and observations in an artistic way in individual or group activities by making use of various techniques and teaching tools.
Competency: By the end of KG2, the child will be able to give his/her point of view about realized artistic activities.
Phases of Competency
Suggested Activities
1- Take part in simple games roles, individually or in a group.
- Perform some manual artistic crafts.
- Complete, with classmates, an artistic performance/job using various techniques.
- Participate, within the group, to scenic games and/or to the handling of tools and simple construction games.
- Perform roles by selecting tunes, words, rhythms, clothing and decorations.
- Tearing, cutting, pasting, boring, carving, printing, dough, clay.
- Building simple devices from a variety of available raw natural materials and remains.
- Acting games: music, songs, limericks, dances.
- Discovering tools.
- Applying techniques.
- Producing free artwork.
- Producing group artwork.
- Learning and chanting songs and limericks.
- Harmonizing between body movements and rhythms.
Walking pace: Plain, imitated, controlled military, old persons. walk,
- Rhythm of walk: fast, slow, race,
Acting Games:
- Supply all materials needed for these activities.
- Stimulate innovation in children and help them to recycle environmental wastes.
2- Give his/her point of view about artwork, in which he/she participated, individually or in groups.
- Take personal attitude while participating in discussing an artistic work.
- Comment own artistic work, dance, musical activity, either as an observer or participant.
- Pictures, illustrations, films….
- Puppet show.
- Children Theater.
- Songs and limericks.
- Rhythmic musical playing.
- Visiting an art or a craft exhibition and comment on a particular work.
- Listening to a song and give one’s impression.
- Composing a musical band.
- Imitating persons.
- Walking following instructions
- following simple choreography
- Dancing different types of dance: African, Lebanese, Chinese and Indian.
- Visiting theater.
Figurative arts, music, theater
Terminal Integrated Objective Statement: By the end of the pre-school, the child will be able to express his/her feelings, impressions and observations in an artistic way in individual or group activities by making use of various techniques and teaching tools.
Competency: By the end of KG3, the child will be able to express his/her feelings, impressions and observations in an artistic way during individual or collective activities involving techniques and various educational tools.
Phases of competency
Suggested Activities
1- Take part in simple artwork, individually or in a group.
- Perform some manual artwork.
- Work with pears to make a common artistic work, using various techniques.
- Participate within a group in simple construction games (on stage).
- Choose an artistic activity and be able to justify own choice.
- Take a position when discussing a work of art.
- Shred, cut, paste, thread beads, print, sculpture (clay and pottery).
- Simple construction using recycled material coming from available remnants.
- Stage games, music, songs, rhymes, dance.
- Photos, drawings, films.
- Imitation of personalities.
- Puppet Theatre.
- Discovering the tools.
- Developing technical application.
- Performing free artistic production and collective artistic production.
Music :
- Saving songs, rhymes, and sing.
- Ensuring the coordination of rhythm and body movements.
Types of steps:
- Ordinary, imitated, military march, child’s steps, grandmother’s steps
Walking pace: fast, slow, running
Stage games:
- Imitating roles, - Imitating people.
- Walking following the guidelines
- Perform Simple choreography, mechanical march.
- Provide required equipment to undertake the above activities.
- Stimulate innovation in children and help them to recycle environmental wastes.
2- Take part in artistic and theatrical activities while commenting on artwork.
- Self-evaluate own achievements.
- Role Play (for a show) by choosing melodies, words, rhythms, costumes and an appropriate setting.
- Give own opinion as observer or participant about a manual labor, a dance, a musical activity or stagecraft.
- Theater for kids.
- Songs and chants
- Rhythmical games.
- Visit an art or craft show and give their views on a specific activity.
- Listen to a song and give their point of view.
- Establish a rhythmic dance troop.
- Visiting a children's theater.
- Learning types of dance: African, Lebanese, Chinese and Indian
Initial and Final Sounds:
/n/n, nest - fan
/d/d, dog - sled
/m/m, monkey - ham
/t/t, table - bat
/p/p, pot - hop
/g/g, gate - log
/b/b, bag - crib
/k/ck, kangaroo - duck
Initial and Medial Sounds:
/a/a, ant - cat
/i/i, iguana - bib
/o/o, octopus - hot
/u/u, up - cut
e/e/, elf - net
Initial Sounds:
/s/s, seal
/k/c, cat
/f/f, fan
/h/h, hut
/j/j, jar
/l/l, lamp
/r/r, ring
/kw/qu, queen
/w/w, walrus
/v/v, violin
/ks/x, x-ray
/y/y, yak
/z/z, zebra
- Listen to stories read aloud
- Use Illustrations
- Sequence of Events (first, next, last)
- Story Details (Characters and Settings)
- Classify & Categorize (pictures that don’t belong to the same group)
- Fantasy & Reality
- Make Predictions
- Main Idea (sentence in relation to the picture)
- Positional terms (on-off, inside-outside, over-under, up-down)
- Compare & Contrast (same, different)
- Story Structure (beginning, middle, end of the story)
- Summarize (what the story is about)
- Cause & Effect (actions will cause things to happen)
- Opposites (up-down, tall-short, low-high)
- Left to Right
- First, Next, Last
- Colors
- Numbers
- On, Off
- Shapes: Circle, Square, Rectangle, Triangle
- Opposites
- Above, On, Below
- Over, Under
- Up, Down
- Naming Words (Person, Place, animal, thing)
- Action Words ( verb)
- Inside, Outside
- Top, Middle, Bottom
Suggested list VOCABULARY is to be taught in context.
Family members: Mother, father, brother, sister, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, etc…
Home: House, bedroom, living room, dining room, door, window, roof, bathroom, sink, tub, kitchen, stove, teapot, cup, armchair, etc…
Activities: Birthday present, decoration, balloons, candle, party hats, celebration, etc…
School: School, bus, classroom, teacher, pencil, colored crayons, eraser, ruler, desk, board, bin, playground, swing, seesaw, school bag, lunch bag, computer, story book, painting, drawing, etc…
Clothes: Coat, gloves, mittens, scarf, raincoat, boots, umbrella, etc…
Weather: Cloud, moon, sun, wind, rain, snow, snowman, rainbow, fog, snowy, sunny, foggy, cloudy, rainy, ocean, water, etc…
Animals: Pet, bird, turtle, fish, octopus, starfish, puppy, kitten, cat, hamster, butterfly, ladybug, frog, snake, caterpillar, ant, grasshopper, alligator, monkey, lion, tiger, giraffe, bear, zebra, wild animals, farm animals, nest, hen, chick, rooster, duck, goose, horse, cow, goat, sheep, etc…
Food: Carrot, cucumber, tomato, potato, orange, banana, strawberry, grapes, watermelon, kiwi, mango, eggs, fruit, vegetable, bread, milk, breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, taste, cake, etc…
Body parts: Head, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, chin, ears, shoulders, etc…
Transportation: Car, train, boat, ship, airplane, helicopter, van, day, night, doctor, nurse, hospital, firefighter, etc…
High- Frequency Words: the, a, my, that, and, I, is, said, we, are, you, have, to, me, go, do, for, he, she, has, with
- High-frequency words
- Read a word in relation to its picture
- Read sentences from short stories
- Read cvc e.g. cat, big, hot. + cvcc such as sick
- Distinguish between numbers, letters & pictures
- Match the sound of the word to the picture

Blend the sounds of the letters to form a word (m a t)
- Spell own name
- Write high-frequency words
- Words with short sound vowels (CVC + CVCC) e.g. cat, dog, sun, hit, net, duck, sock
- Write from left to right, top to bottom
- Write uppercase & lowercase letters
- Write each letter of alphabet using the correct form, size and spacing
- Write own name
- Copy words and sentences
- Gain control of pen grip & paper position
- Write one complete sentence by themselves
- Recognize capitalization and punctuation (start a sentence with uppercase & ends it with a full stop)
- Divide spoken sentence into individual words
- Segment & combine syllables within spoken words
- Produce rhyming words
- Distinguish rhyming from nonrhyming words
- Identify the initial, medial & final sounds of a spoken word
- Add, delete, or substitute sounds to change words (e.g. cow to how, pan to fan, fit to hit, sun to fun, net to bet)

Blend sounds to make spoken words (f a n)
- Recall story details
- Ask & answer simple questions (up to five words in a sentence)
- Retell sequence of events
- Summarize
- Share prior knowledge through discussion & participation
- Sing songs chorally or individually
- Recite poems
- Share thoughts, ideas and experiences
- Form a sentence out of 4 to 5 words
- Respond to stories through gestures
- Use polite requests/permission
- Communicate orally in about 30 seconds using simple words
- Count till 31